
These are few of the projects that I've completed.

MyCity Act

Android application for management of civic-realated issues. User registeration and verification is done through Firebase. Members in the app include: Citizens, Officials and Workers.

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Miwok-Learning application.

Android application for learning traditional Miwok Language with the help of colors, common phrases, numbers and family member's names in original audio.

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Imaginary Anaysis using KMeans Clustering.

This is a project for imaginary analysis for number images. For this project, we will be using the MNIST dataset. It is available through keras.

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Simple Android musicplayer for playing music. Here one can go to next song, previous song and can even play, pause and drag the current playing song.

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Password Generator.

Robust password generator that can generate password with the combination of strings, numbers and special characters with the specified length limit made in Python.

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Online Certifications

Here is the list of certificates that I've completed over the time.

Google's Fundamentals of Digital Marketing.

This is the certification provided by Google's Digital Unlocked program.

AI for everyone.

Coursera's course on Artificial Intelligence provided by DeepLearning.AI.

Introduction to Cloud Computing.

Certification for Cloud Computing course on Udemy.

SQL for Data Analytics.

SQL Masterclass for SQL's application in Data Analytics.

Data-Driven Process Improvement.

Certification from the University at Buffalo on Coursera.

Graphic Design Internship.

This is my graphic design internship certificate conducted by the Rotaract Club of my college.